

     Are you, like most of us,
experiencing difficulties in some area of your life?
Are you having difficulties through a life transition: adolescence,
divorce, retirement, menopause, or other life crossings?
Are you unable to obtain restful sleep,
reach your ideal weight,
quit smoking, drinking,
or other drugs, legal or illegal?
Are you having difficulties in your work,
school, marriage and/or family?

Then join us in our Seminar on Life Creating,
Planning, and Managing and learn to correct, manage,
and/or compensate for your difficulties.
We will work together in discovering how to identify
the most pressing issues you need to work on,
and help you identify the solutions,
try them, and if the solutions you try do not work,
look for other solutions and try them again.

Life creating is a constant process that we are all involved in,
whether we are aware of it or not,
and whether we do it consciously or unconsciously.
The Life Creating, Planning, and Managing Seminar,
will help you in each step of the process by encouraging,
supporting, and genuinely caring for your needs as you encourage,
support, and genuinely care for the needs of others.
We will provide you with the tools to help you in the process
of creating the type of life you want for yourself,
manage areas of difficulties, plan for the type of changes you need in your life,
and be able to use these skills in any other areas of difficulties.
These may arise in the future with yourself,
your family, your work, and/or your friends.

Dr. Viera Ivanovna Pablant,
a Clinical Psychologist and educator
in private practice for the last 25 years,
has helped many people with very difficult life situations
learn to create the type of life they wanted for themselves,
to plan ahead and as much as humanly possible avoid catastrophes
in the future, and manage and/or compensate for difficulties created or inhered.

The Seminar provides the format.
You do the creating! So come prepared to work,
and create your life the way you would like it to be.
This may be the most important seminar you ever attend,
although we hope you attend many diverse learning seminars in the future.

               Viera Ivanovna Pablant, Ph.D. Psychologist

Estimated Cost of Materials: $15 per participant

Workbooks are available for $15


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